House Rules

  1. No pets are allowed on the property of the retreat.
  2. Please refrain from smoking in the facilities. Be extremely careful when smoking outside so as not to cause any bush or veld fire.
  3. There is a list of all the items in each room displayed behind the cupboard doors. Please look after these items as if they are your own and do not by accident take any of these items home.
  4. The cleaners are employed to clean the common areas only. Keeping the bedroom clean is your responsibility for the duration of your stay.
    Cleaning services are available but at an additional cost. Please contact caretaker.
  5. If you dirty anything in the room due to unforeseen circumstances e.g. spilled coffee, heavy mud etc. Please let us replace the linen immediately for you so we can attack the dirt immediately.
  6. The room is designed for two people only. Please do not overcrowd.
  7. Ensure back packs and content are cleaned before they are returned to their demarcated area.
  8. Umbrellas should be set out to dry before they are taken back to the rooms.
  9. Do not leave any food lying around in the kitchen.
  10. It is your responsibility to keep the kitchen clean and wash the dishes.
  11. Keep the kitchen cupboards tidy and try to put items back in their right place.
  12. There is a breakage book to record all breakages. Please do so. Please leave some money to replace these items as this is a charitable organization and assistance is always appreciated.
  13. Please use the gas stove in accordance with the instructions listed.
  14. Ensure that all items are returned to their original place when leaving.
  15. After emptying and cleaning the fridge and freezer, please leave the fridge switched on for the next occupant.
  16. Fishing rods and tackle may only be cleaned outside. Troughs are provided at the back of the ‘Barn’. Fishing lockers are also provided so, no fishing tackle or related equipment in the house please.
  17. Please remove heavy dirt if you were responsible for it, such as on braais, stoves, dirt from kids hands on walls and ash from open fires.
  18. Please complete the visitors’ book.
  19. Ensure that the refuse bins in the kitchen are used to separate your rubbish – biodegradable, tin glass and plastic, and other. When emptying it outside, please use the specific bins provided as well. All bins are clearly marked. Please close them to prevent baboons getting to the contents.
  20. We operate a septic tank sewerage system so please don’t flush any nappies or tampons down the toilet.
  21. Please keep noise levels down. We are all here to relax and enjoy the tranquility at the retreat.
  22. The bathrooms are common area and you are to ensure that the condition of the bathroom is left in the same state as you found it.
  23. Any unit that is left in an untidy and dirty state will attract a cleaning charge of R200, 00.
  24. No washing of clothes will be allowed during your stay. Wet towels can be hung on the washing line outside or on the washing line in the barn if the weather does not permit outside drying. The room does provide for limited drying facilities.
  25. Please do not use the garden hoses outside the buildings except for cleaning dirty bicycles after use.
  26. Do not tamper with the fire extinguishers please.
  27. Sign for all equipment such as braais, bomas, bicycles, fishing rods, camping chairs, umbrellas, etc. and return them in a good and clean state. Report breakages and remember all the equipment is used at your own risk.
  28. Electricity is a very scares resource and you are asked to keep that in mind. Try not to use microwaves and hairdryers at the same time as the peak use of electricity can be problematic.
  29. Fish caught but under 20 cm must be released. Fish larger than 20 cm may be taken home at R30 a kg and must be cleaned outside in the facilities provided. Please settle payment with the caretaker. Fish can be put in the special freezer in our store. Not the kitchen fridge/freezer please.

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving - Albert Einstein