‘Living green’ is all about reducing the impact of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide emission. This is a major objective at the Waterwheel Country Retreat. Green electricity, clean water, a sewerage system that is environmentally friendly, the separation and recycling of garbage, and the use of environmentally friendly cleaning materials are all part of it. `Walking and cycling, little use of cars whilst at the retreat, are but a few examples of how you can become part of the totally green objective.
The plantation adds to the push to reduce the CO2 levels in the air. Every person in SA produces about 2 tons of carbon dioxide per year. The 35 hectares of trees will store/absorb about 100 South Africans’ CO2. With 10 workers and trustees and a further 50 visitors that can be accommodated full time on the retreat we can proudly proclaim that we are self-sustainable when it comes to carbon dioxide absorption and ensuring clean and healthy clean air.
Taking the above facts into account we can say that all this makes the Waterwheel Country Retreat probably the most ‘green’ retreat in the country and the world.
Eco-tourism is defined as the visiting of places in nature but that conserves the environment and also contributes to the local economy in a sustainable way. The retreat is definitely such a place and this good point, together with the ‘green’ advantage is and will be our main focus in promoting the use of the retreat. See the appropriate logo at the bottom of the page.
Living Green & Eco-Tourism